
How to Make a Dimension Portal in Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make a Dimension Portal in Minecraft

Nether portal (animated).png
Consists of
  • Obsidian
  • Nether Portal
Tin generate in
existing chunks

Yes, when a player goes through a portal and there is no active portal within 128 blocks of the matching coordinate

A under portal is a manufactured construction that acts as a gateway betwixt the Overworld and the Nether dimensions.


  • 1 Creation
  • two Behavior
    • 2.i Chunk loading
    • 2.2 Portal linkage betwixt Overworld and Nether
      • two.2.1 Coordinate conversion
      • 2.2.2 Portal search
      • 2.2.3 Portal creation
  • iii Sounds
  • four Achievements
  • v Advancements
  • 6 Video
  • 7 History
  • eight Bug
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 Trivia
    • ten.1 Publicity
  • eleven References

Build schematics
Full version Minimal version

A nether portal is built equally a vertical, rectangular frame of obsidian (4×5 minimum, 23×23 maximum). The four corners of the frame are not required, merely portals created by the game always include them, resulting in four free/extra obsidian. The obsidian can be placed in any manner, east.g. by placing mined obsidian, past completing a ruined portal, or by casting it in identify using lava and water. Side by side portals tin can share obsidian blocks. A nether portal cannot be congenital horizontally like an end portal.

In one case a frame is constructed, information technology is activated by fire placed inside the frame. This creates portal blocks inside the frame, resembling a vortex. The fire tin be placed in any manner, including use of flint and steel or a fire accuse, the bear upon of a ghast or blaze fireball, a lightning strike, or natural spread of fire to flammable material adjacent to the portal. Nether portals can exist activated only in the Overworld or the Nether. They cannot be activated in the End and customized dimensions.

The burn must be the last placed block in the construction—a burn on an incomplete frame does not result in the portal activating upon the placement of the terminal obsidian cake.

When a portal is used past a player, if no respective portal inside range exists in the other dimension, one is created there; see § Portal search and § Portal creation. At that place is an minute gamble of failure for the respective portal to generate in the Nether, leaving the thespian trapped until expiry or until another player constructs a new Overworld portal.

When a player in the Overworld or the Nether stands in a nether portal block for four seconds, the player is taken to the other dimension. The thespian can footstep out of a portal before it completes its animation to abort the teleport. Nonetheless, in Creative, the wait time is 1 game tick (1twenty second) for the player to transfer between dimensions. If there is already an agile portal within range (about 128 blocks) in the other dimension, the player appears in that portal. Otherwise, a portal is created at or near the corresponding coordinates. If a portal is deactivated, and the matching portal in the other dimension is used before it is re-activated, a new portal may be created (unless there is some other active portal within range). The usual cause for this is when the player's Under-side portal is deactivated by a ghast, and then the player dies in the Nether, spawns, and then re-enters the Under through the Overworld-side portal. Nevertheless, multiple portals can be exploited to subcontract obsidian.

Most entities can travel through portals, including mobs (except the wither and ender dragon), thrown items, and transportation without passengers (neither mobs nor player)[one], including boats, minecarts and horses. Different players, other entities travel through portals instantly, and once they reach the other side, at that place is a cool-downwardly time for 300 game ticks (15 seconds), in which they cannot get through any under portals. Therefore, an entity can only travel though under portals again, in one case it is non touching whatever nether portal for 15 seconds. In Bedrock Edition, a parrot on the role player's shoulder prevents the histrion from going through the portal.[2]

Zombified piglins take a chance to spawn on the bottom frame of the portal in the Overworld in Java Edition if any nether portal cake higher up receives a cake tick. In Bedrock Edition they spawn in certain squares side by side to the portals in the Overworld, not inside them. Zombified piglins spawned in this mode accept a full 15-second portal cooldown, meaning they tin can't become through the portal they are spawned in unless they leave the portal for a while. They spawn twice equally ofttimes on Normal difficulty equally on Easy, and three times as often on Hard difficulty as on Easy. No other mobs can exist spawned by under portals in this way, in any dimension.

Chunk loading

Whenever an entity is teleported through a nether portal, the chunk at the linked portal gets load ticket with load level of 30, pregnant that it is fully loaded and tin procedure entities. This load level likewise spreads to next chunks but they get lower for each chunk. This results in 8 more fully loaded "entity ticking" chunks with gradually fewer loaded chunks further out.

These chunks remain loaded for 15 seconds but this timer gets refreshed each time the entity passes through the portal (including mobs wandering through it from either direction). This can exist used to permanently load chunks, creating a "chunk loader". Permanently-loaded chunks created using chunk loaders create a considerable corporeality of lag.

Portal linkage between Overworld and Nether

The closest portal to the corresponding location receives the player.
A new portal is generated in the closest empty expanse if no portal is found in range.

Coordinate conversion

Horizontal coordinates and distances in the Nether are proportional to the Overworld in a ane:8 ratio. That is, by moving one block horizontally in the Under, players take moved the equivalent of 8 blocks on the Overworld. This does non utilize to the Y-axis. Thus, for a given location (X, Y, Z) in the Overworld, the respective coordinates in the Nether are (flooring(X ÷ 8), Y, flooring(Z ÷ 8)), and conversely, for a location (Ten, Y, Z) in the Nether, the matching Overworld coordinates are (X × 8, Y, Z × 8).

The Coffee floor() method used in these conversions rounds downwards to the largest integer less than or equal to the statement (toward smaller positive values and toward larger negative values), so a coordinate of 29.9 rounds to 29, and ane of −29.9 to −30.

Both the Ten and Z coordinates in this conversion are constrained to exist between −29,999,872 and 29,999,872 (inclusive); this affects travel to the Overworld from the Nether at X or Z beyond ±3,749,984.

Portal search

When an entity starts colliding with a nether portal cake, the game records the coordinates of the entity.

The game so converts those coordinates into destination coordinates as higher up: The entry X- and Z-coordinates are multiplied if the entity is in the Under or divided by 8 if the entity is in the overworld, while the Y-coordinate is not changed.

Starting at these destination coordinates, the game looks for all nearby portal point of interest (POI). That point of interest tin be within 257×257 blocks in the Overworld and 33×33 blocks in the Under[3] centered on the converted coordinate and the full map pinnacle.

If whatever candidate portal cake is establish, then the game selects the closest one as determined by its distance in the new coordinate organisation (including the Y coordinate, which tin cause seemingly more afar portals to exist selected), and teleports the entity to the everyman continued portal block (this prevents players from being dropped from the top of tall portals). Note that the calculated distance is Euclidean altitude, not taxicab distance. The distance computation between portals in the range is a straight-line distance calculation, and the shortest path is chosen, counting the Y difference.

Portal cosmos

For players, if no portals exist in the search region, the game creates i, past looking for the closest suitable location to identify a portal, within sixteen blocks horizontally (merely any distance vertically) of the player's destination coordinates. A valid location is 3×four buildable blocks with air 4 high above all 12 blocks. When plenty space is available, the orientation of the portal is random. The closest valid position in the 3D distance is always picked.

A valid location exactly 3 wide in the shorter dimension may sometimes not be found, as the bank check for a point fails if the offset tried orientation wants that dimension to be iv wide. This is probable a bug.

If the first check for valid locations fails entirely, the check is redone looking for a 1×four expanse of buildable blocks with air four high above each.

If that fails, too, a portal is forced at the target coordinates, but with Y constrained to be between 70 and 10 less than the world height (i.east. 118 for the Under or 246 for the Overworld). When a portal is forced in this style, a ii×three platform of obsidian with air iii loftier above is created at the target location, overwriting whatever might be in that location. This provides air space surreptitious or a small platform if loftier in the air. In Bedrock Edition, these obsidian blocks are flanked by iv more blocks of netherrack on each side, resulting in 12 blocks of platform.

Once coordinates are chosen, a portal (always 4×5 and including the corners) including portal blocks is constructed at the target coordinates, replacing anything in the way.

If a portal is forced into h2o or lava, the liquid immediately flows into the generated air blocks, leaving the player with no airspace. However, a glitch tin prevent this h2o from flowing into the portal: if the liquid would flow both vertically and horizontally into the air pocket, it instead flows only vertically, so the blocks on the platform's outer corners never become water source blocks.

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation central Volume Pitch Attenuation
Portal whooshes[sound 1] Blocks Random cake.portal.ambient[sound 2] subtitles.block.portal.ambient[sound ii] ? ? 10
None [sound iii] Ambient/Environs Afterward existence teleported through[sound ii] None [sound iii] ? ? 16
Portal noise intensifies[audio 1] Ambient/Environment Standing in the portal block.portal.trigger[sound 2] subtitles.block.portal.trigger ? ? 16
  1. a b The subtitle refers to it generically every bit a portal rather than specifically a nether portal: run into MC-218020
  2. a b c d The audio consequence and translation string all the same refers to this generically every bit "portal", despite the block beingness renamed to "nether_portal" in 1.13; see also the bug tracker ticket on this
  3. a b MC-184622

Icon Achievement In-game clarification Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Bays type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
Into The Nether Construct a Nether Portal. Light a nether portal. 30G Statuary

Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
We Need to Become Deeper
Build, light and enter a Under Portal Water ice Bucket Claiming Enter the Nether dimension. story/enter_the_nether
Bring summertime clothes Enter the Under dimension. nether/root
Subspace Bubble
Utilize the Under to travel 7 km in the Overworld Under Use the Nether to travel betwixt ii points in the Overworld with a minimum horizontal altitude of 7000 blocks between each other, which is 875 blocks in the Under. nether/fast_travel
Uneasy Brotherhood
Rescue a Ghast from the Nether, bring it safely dwelling house to the Overworld... and then kill it Render to Sender Kill a ghast while in the Overworld. under/uneasy_alliance

Note: These videos do not mention that under portals on the Under ceiling link up with Overworld portals.

This section would do good from the addition of more than images.

Please remove this detect once you've added suitable images to the article.
The specific instructions are: Nether portals during a1.2.0-preview, Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 nether portals, and Texture Update under portals (and nether portal block).

Coffee Edition Alpha
v1.2.0 October 4, 2010 A poster on Notch'south blog announced a new "hell globe," and hinted that information technology would utilize portals for fast travels.
October 22, 2010 Originally, ghasts were intended to spawn from under portals (referred to equally "gates") in the Overworld. However, this ability has not however been implemented.[four]
October 29, 2010 Notch sent a preview of the Halloween Update to two gaming companies; their articles[5] [6] detailed the usage of nether portals, used for inbound what was then known as "the Slip".
preview Added nether portals.
A unique screen animation is shown subsequently traveling through a nether portal, in which the nausea effect slows down and the overlay disappears.
v1.2.2a The actor can at present create a nether portal by pressing F4 (presumably a developer testing function).
v1.2.2b The F4 crook has been removed from nether portals.
Coffee Edition Beta
? The nausea screen animation shown while entering a nether portal is now slower.
1.6 Test Build 3 Nether portals at present work in multiplayer. Before this update, nether portals could be created on multiplayer servers, merely could not teleport players to the Nether, thus multiplayer servers required modding to access the Under.
The travel.ogg sound and the screen blitheness used after traveling through a under portal do non work in multiplayer.
Continuing in a under portal at present forces all GUIs to close, including the pause carte and chat.
Java Edition
1.0.0 ? It is now possible to blast nether portals by simply punching them.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 The nether portal has been changed, having a slightly darker wait.
? It is no longer possible to deactivate nether portals with water or lava. Both cease before hitting the portal and act equally if the portal were a solid block; placing water instead of burn in the portal automatically deactivates the portal anyway. 12w08a The player can now (over again) nail a nether portal in Creative past punching information technology. It makes the same audio as drinking glass being destroyed.
? The Overworld'due south height limit has been raised to 256, simply portals from the Nether can non find portals above Y=128.
ane.3.1 12w18a As a result of singleplayer being changed to an internal server, travel.ogg no longer plays when using a nether portal, and the screen animation later on traveling through a portal no longer plays.
12w22a Zombie pigmen now rarely spawn from nether portals in the Overworld.
? Portals from the Nether now search the entire height of the Overworld.
1.four.2 12w34a Entities tin can now travel through portals.
The screen blitheness used when entering a portal is at present replayed after traveling through, rather than having no animation (equally before this snapshot) or a unique animation (every bit before 12w18a).
12w38a The Under now loads faster when traveling through a nether portal in Survival style and loads immediately when in Creative mode.
one.7.2 September 11, 2013 Dinnerbone releases images of larger and dissimilar shaped under portals, also mentions the power to light a portal from any cake, non just the bottom row.[7] Both the sign and circular nature of the portal in the 2d epitome are references to Stargate, Col. Jack O'Neill was ofttimes heard mentioning his hatred for cliches.
13w37a Portals tin can now be activated from whatever block within the portal, not just the bottom (when any burn down block appears within the frame).
There are at present new nether portal building rules: portals can now be built at a minimum of 4×v, and a maximum of 23×23.
Nether portals now apply block information values (later on changed to cake state) to decide their orientation. Old portals created in and earlier take a tendency to close when upgrading.
13w41a Nether portals, water and ice are now visible through each other.
one.9 15w49a The wither and ender dragon can no longer travel through nether portals.
16w02a Under portals now play travel.ogg again.
? The pause menu can once again be opened while standing in a nether portal.
1.15 19w36a Nether portals in the Overworld now correctly link with portals placed in the peak half (128–255) of the Under dimension.
Search for an existing portal to connect to is now chunk based: the searched expanse is now 17×17 chunks instead of 257×257 blocks
1.xvi 20w06a Traveling through under portals is now near seamless.
20w16a Added Ruined Portals.
1.sixteen.2 20w28a The portal search has changed.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.12.ane build 1 Added nether portals.
Nether portals can exist built at a minimum of 4×five, and a maximum of 23×23.
? The sounds of nether portals have been updated to match Java.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 1.0.i Added under portals.
TU31 CU19 1.22 Patch iii At that place are now new nether portal edifice rules: Any rectangular shape from iv×5 to 23×23.
If the nether portal in the Nether is big enough, ghasts can at present travel through.
Under portals can now be activated by whatever burn block within the frame.

Problems relating to "Under portal" are maintained on the problems tracker. Study issues there.

  • Portals tin be placed together in a tunnel-similar fashion, though it appears as if the third portal is lit as the first two in a row mimic glass. If more than six portals are connected, the inner portals are completely invisible while in the portal tunnel, however, the particle furnishings can still exist seen throughout. These connected portals also share the four-second countdown until teleportation, then as long as the player is within a continued portal, they are sent to another dimension.
  • The actor cannot open up their inventory or the chat window while standing in an active portal, and any other GUI (such equally that of a breast or villager) is immediately airtight when opened.
  • If 2 portals intersect, and the role player lights a fire in the intersection (i.e., in both portals at once) only the portal that lies within the ten-axis is activated. Lighting whatever other block activates whichever portal information technology is in.
  • At that place is a splash referencing the nether portal. It says "Slow interim portals!".


  • A LEGO Minecraft nether portal was included in the LEGO Minecraft Set: "The Under".
  • On 29 Oct 2010 PC Gamer released this video, showing a portal being constructed and used.
  • On 1 April 2011, Think Geek released this video to advertise one of their annual fake April Fools products: the Minecraft USB Desktop Nether Portal.

  1. MC-67
  2. MCPE-27950
  3. MC-197538
  4. "@BlakesAwesome No it doesn't" – @jeb_ on Twitter, April one, 2011
  5. "Minecraft Halloween Update easily-on" by Tom Francis – PC Gamer, Oct 29, 2010.
  6. "Hands-On With the Minecraft Halloween Update" (Archive) past Michael Rose –, October 29, 2010.
  7. "Bunch of other small tweaks to them too; you lot can light a portal from any block, non just the bottom row. Proficient for automatic on/off toggling" – @Dinnerbone on Twitter, September xi, 2013
  8. "But anything that I come up upwards with is just besides big. This is my best whilst maintaining the "doorway" look:" – @Dinnerbone on Twitter, September ten, 2013
  9. "" – @Dinnerbone on Twitter, September ten, 2013
  10. "After a day of refactoring portal code, this is now possible." – @Dinnerbone on Twitter, September 11, 2013


How to Make a Dimension Portal in Minecraft TUTORIAL

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